Competitions are a key part of the annual ICCKE. This year we are excited to announce several completion proposals accepted for ICCKE2022.
We solicit competition proposals on any topic of interest to the ICCKE2022 topics ( We especially encourage competition proposals from emerging new fields or new application domains related to Computer Science and Knowledge Engineering. Interdisciplinary topics that will attract a significant cross-section of the ICCKE topics are especially highly encouraged.
This year, there will be a competition track at ICCKE2022. In this track, the competition results will be presented and discussed during an assigned time slot.
Important dates will be announced separately for each competition.
Hard Deadline Paper Submission
2022-07-31Notification of Acceptance
2022-09-01Camera-Ready Deadline
2022-09-10Early Bird Registration
2022-09-25Registration Deadline
2022-10-25Conference Date (Start)
2022-11-17Conference Date (End)